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立礼卓 Ryurei-joku(the set of tea service table and chair)



Under the guidance of Master Kizu Sosen, from whom I take my tea ceremony lessons, I have been developing a standing table that is easy to use for people of all ages and genders, and that also suits modern lifestyles. It is collapsible, relatively inexpensive, easy to assemble, and light to carry, and the tea ceremony can be performed on the table just as it would be on a tatami mat. The heat source is an induction heater, so there is a safety device and no risk of fire if you forget to turn it off. Chair-style tea houses can provide an easy opportunity for people like the elderly, foreigners who are not used to sitting in seiza, and young people who are not used to the tatami lifestyle to experience the world of tea ceremony.


The following is an introduction by Master Kizu.

”長年楽しんできた高齢者の方は、正座ができなくなって茶道をやめるのが大半です。 そこでそうした人にお茶を楽しんでもらえるものを作ろうと、5年以上前から社中の数寄屋大工の木村さんや大畑さんと、いろんな方にリサーチしつつ、試行錯誤してきました。そしてようやく完成しました。


認知の不安があるとの声があり、I Hヒーターを使いました。電熱器はスイッチを切らない限り供給され続けることから火災となることがあります。I Hヒーターは釜の内部のみが熱くなり外部が熱を持つことがありません。そして着衣や周りへの燃え移りなどの火災、温度調整も簡単、そして長時間放置されても自動的に電源が切れるなどとても安全です。釜に水を入れてI Hヒーターにのせてスイッチを入れれば湯になります。



"Most elderly people who have enjoyed tea ceremony for many years give up when they are no longer able to sit in seiza. So, in order to create something that would allow such people to enjoy tea, we have been researching and experimenting with various people, including Kimura and Ohata, who are sukiya carpenters in our company, for over five years. And now we have finally completed it.

It is a simple, lightweight product, weighing just over 10 kg, so that elderly people who do not have much physical strength can assemble it by themselves. Since many people feel that they do not know how many more times they can use it, we have made it relatively inexpensive and designed it so that it can be used for purposes other than tea ceremony.

We used an induction heater in response to concerns about cognitive impairment. Electric heaters continue to supply power unless the switch is turned off, which can lead to fire. With an induction heater, only the inside of the kettle gets hot, and the outside does not get hot. It is also very safe, with no risk of fire such as the spread of fire to clothing or the surrounding area, easy temperature adjustment, and the power automatically turns off even if it is left unattended for a long time. Put water in the kettle and use an induction heater. Just place it on the H heater and switch it on to make hot water.

And of course there is the furo, but we designed it so that you can prepare tea in the dipping position. It can be used as a table on a normal day, and you can also gather around the ro to enjoy hotpots and meals. We received some sweets as souvenirs, so you can casually enjoy tea with close friends.

We made this out of a desire to overcome the current situation where people have had to give up tea because they can no longer sit in seiza. We wanted to give back, even if only a little, to the people who have supported us for so many years. We would be very grateful if it can be of use to you.”











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